Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Congratulations to you on reading this blog! It shows you have the initiative to make a change in your life. In order for anything to work you have to first decide you want the change and commit. Realizing things are not working now and there maybe a better way.. We have some techniques that will help you understand why you are having trouble making the change and how to enable yourself to start the change, mentally and physically. A warning to the success minded people, there will be loved ones and people who are close to you who will not support you. Haters will hate and even people who love may try to stand in your way. Just know that you are feed up with the way things are. The guidelines in this book have been compiled for you and have been proven many times over for 100s of years.
You can’t make the choice for someone else to change their lives. They have to make that choice on their own. We are creatures that compare and contrast. When you begin to change your life or attempt to it causes others to reflect back on theirs. Sometimes what you are doing doesn’t line up with their belief system and so you are challenging their belief system. People get quite upset when you challenge either their belief system, beliefs in general or their world view. It’s what gives them comfort and what they pin their life to. There are those who compare their lives to yours and get afraid that you will do better than them. This could be subconscious or a totally conscious effort on their part. You MUST ignore this. No one but you and God decides your destiny. Try to understand that those who are either speaking against you or working counter to your efforts to improve your life do not have your interest in mind. They may think they are even protecting you because of their view of you but it can not be the case that they are helping you if they are trying to keep you from a fulfilling life. Those who work against you will bring up past failures or refer to your character as a roadblock to your success. Keep this in mind, we are given the gift of a new day every day. Your past has nothing to do with your success in the future. A failure is a lesson to show you what doesn’t work so you can try again  and seek out new knowledge the next day with a different strategy.

It is not worth arguing with anyone who challenges you while you are on your journey to transform your life. Arguing will be valuable time focusing on negative influences. What you focus on is what your life becomes.

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